Saturday, July 28, 2012


My son is. My other son spent some time on the couch down there, too. What is really bad, my son has a friend who, also, staying in my basement. Another friend of his stayed with me for a couple of weeks a month or so ago. These guys have just been through a breakup.

I can only conclude that becoming suddenly single is rampant. No matter the reason, the breakup of a relationship is horrible.  You are more than likely feeling displaced and in a situation you just might not be prepared for.

You are hoping that this situation is only temporary. From experience, moms are hoping the same; this would mean that you are ready to meet the world again.  Now is the time to stop, take a breath and plan what you will do next….a sort of decompression period.

The break up of a relationship, be it marriage or any other, is devastating.  Coming to grips with what has occurred, even if the dissolution was of your instigation, is going to be the first thing you must deal with. Your mom loves you, she will listen to you.

My son and I have talked over these weeks and we have observed that our discussions are slowly evolving. This time with my son has been good for me, as I am still reeling from the loss of a long term job that I loved.

Sooooooo let me tell you what happened last night.  My glum, dejected son ascended from the basement and as he came up the stairs his footsteps were different.  He happily informed me he had an epiphany.  He is tired of feeling the way he has and he is not going to think or feel that way again and he is tired of seeing me sit and smoke cigarettes all day.  I have also been known on occasion to have a beer.

That is when he went down the stairs again and came back with a laptop.  He handed it to me and informed me I was going to blog.
He set me up and here I am!

Usually when I write it is with far more humor. Henceforth, I hope to make you chuckle and pass on tidbits of info. As I currently have a work in progress in my home I may be able to give you some good ideas and you can do the same for me.

Next time I will give you pointers on how to absolutely infuriate your mother. As I no longer have a man in the house, I cannot give you the male perspective, but I do know the biggest gripe with both sexes is tools.  That is a chapter unto its self.

Let’s make this a two way proposition. Let me know what has worked for you and we can pass this on to other guys.

I hope to hear from you fellows.  Let me know what you think!